If you’re someone who started vaping in order to stop smoking, you may have found yourself vaping way more than you were smoking in the first place.
In my clinical smoking cessation practice, I have many smokers who tell me stories about how they started vaping to “be healthier”. But now, instead of their former 10 a day habit with cigarettes, they got hooked on Juul or the Puff Bar. They tell me that they’re waking up and vaping all morning, hiding in their office vaping, even waking up in the middle of the night to vape.
If it does, let’s start with the question...why are people vaping?
The nicotine part of vaping is very powerful but the force that drives people to vape way more than they smoke is dopamine. And dopamine is the reward center of the brain.
Nicotine is part of it, but the majority of that agitated feeling you get is dopamine. Once you understand that, you can...
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