Why You're Vaping More Than You Smoked

Were you one of those who got caught in the trap of trading in cigarettes for vaping?

No one could blame you. After all, these vaping companies paid big money to convince people that vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes.

But you’ve probably now found yourself vaping more than you were smoking to begin with. Am I right?

You might even go nuts when you can’t find your vape device, or run out of vape juice.

You probably vape in places that you wouldn’t normally smoke cigarettes, or in places that you weren’t able to smoke at before you started vaping.

You’re not alone on that.

In this video, I explain why you’re vaping more than you were smoking. And here’s a hint, it’s not just the nicotine.

And, I cover ways that you can stop vaping so much, or at all if you choose. 

And if you’re tired of the constant vaping and want to stop vaping cold turkey, I have some great news for you. My free online masterclass, How to Stop Smoking (or Vaping) Without Withdrawal, Cravings, or Weight Gain, isn’t only for those that want to stop smoking cold turkey. It’s also for those who want to quit VAPING cold turkey. So be sure to check that out here.


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